Watch to learn more about the Dalmatian Smart Fire Prevention™ system.

Your Home’s Best Friend

Bronze Homes is a proud distributor of the award winning Dalmatian Smart Fire Prevention™ system.

We believe in this product so much, we are also part owner! We install a Dalmatian in all of our spec builds, and recommend it to our clients if they are renovating or buying a rental property. Made right here in Saskatoon, SK! What a great local product that protects your investment and your family!

What is it?

As you know, unattended cooking is the #1 cause of household fires in North America. Kitchen fire prevention is made simple with the Dalmatian Smart Fire Prevention™ system.

Dalmatian is a home’s best friend
The Dalmatian Smart Fire Prevention™ system is the most effective way to prevent fires resulting from unattended cooking. This award-winning product brings smarter, better and safer fire prevention to family homes across Canada..

How it works
When a smoke detector is activated, the Dalmatian Smart Fire Prevention™ system is triggered, cutting power to the range and counter plugs. With no electricity or heat, kitchen fires are far less likely to start or spread. Installing the Dalmatian Smart Fire Prevention™ system in each unit is a small investment with a priceless return: security and peace of mind.

What you get
The system is inexpensive, easy to install, and its value to your home speaks for itself. For a cost of a kitchen faucet, you can increase the value, features, and security of your home or rental properties.  Some of our clients are able to obtain an insurance discount on their property insurance, making this system even more attractive.

How to learn more
We manufacture them right here in Saskatoon and can easily arrange delivery to your job site when you are ready. Contact (306) 281-8120 to order.